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Italy's history is tied closely to the history of Catholicism.

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Very much the same as it is anywhere else.

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Q: How does the Roman Catholic religion unite Italians?
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How does the Catholic religion unite Italians?

Italy's history is tied closely to the history of Catholicism.

Who discovered the catholic religion?

No one "discovered " it. To be discovered something has to all ready exist. The Catholic Church traces its history to Jesus and the Apostles. For the first 280 years of Christian history Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire. This changed after the conversion of Constantine who provided religious toleration with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Later, the Council of Nices attempted to unify Christianity as a religion that would unite the Roman Empire. The church that Constantine promoted was a mixture of Christianity and Roman paganism. The Catholic Church ended up christianized the pagan religion and blurring the differences making itself the Supreme religion in the Roman world for centuries. In 590 Pope Gregory I consolidated lands controlled by authority of the pope that would become the "Papal states."

Why was Christianity able ti rise so quickly through the roman empire?

Because emperor Constantine adopted it as the national religion of the empire to try to unite it

How did feelings of nationalism affect the actions of Italian leaders such as Giuseppe Mazzini and Camillo di Cavour?

Since they felt so strongly of nationalist beliefs they tried there best to unite Italy. Mazzini wrote pamphlets encourage Italians to unite. Cavour became prime minister of Sardinia which would help Italians unite under one banner.

How did feelings of the nationalism affect the actions of Italian leaders such as giuseppe mazzini and Camillo di Cavour?

Since they felt so strongly of nationalist beliefs they tried there best to unite Italy. Mazzini wrote pamphlets encourage Italians to unite. Cavour became prime minister of Sardinia which would help Italians unite under one banner.

What is the motto of Casimir Catholic College?

The motto of Casimir Catholic College is 'Unite and Grow'.

Would it be possible for the Anglican church and the roman catholic to unite?

There is always hope, but it would be very difficult because these two churces have very different views on some matters.

What was the religion did Spain want to unite their lands under?

Spain wanted to unite their lands under Catholicism, specifically the form of Catholicism practiced by the Spanish monarchy known as Roman Catholicism. This was part of their efforts to consolidate power and promote religious unity and authority.

What helped the unite the many different citizens of the roman republic?

The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)

What help unite the many different citizens of the Roman Republic?

The luxury of the Roman Empire.... :)

What are the names the Catholic church has given to the Pagan festivals?

All Hallows Eve = Samhain Christmas = Yule Candlemas = Imbolc Easter = Ostara Litha = Whit Sunday Lughnasada/Lammas = St Mary's Mass Mabon = Harvest Festival The adoption of pagan holidays and conversion to Christian meanings started with the Roman Church (the predecessor to the the Catholic Church) and was done for reasons of political expediency. The Roman Emperor Constantine needed a religion that would unite his failing empire, so paganism and Christianity were merged.

Who was The last Roman emperor who was able to unite the empire?
