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need some evidence for my essay. I can't find anywhere how they make their laws. If someone could help me answer this question and direct me to a website that would be great.

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Q: How does the Democratic republic of Congo make laws?
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How do people in the Democratic Republic of Congo make a living?

Shortiishortii migit war

What is the difference between the Congo Democratic Republic and the Congo Republic?

The Democratic Republic of Congo was a private colony until 1908. It belonged to a Belgian King named Leopold II In 1908 Belgian the parliament took over and it became a belgian colony. It gained independence in 1960 It changed its name to Zaire because the new president (Mobutu, who became a dictator) wanted to decolonise the country and make people proud of their heritage. it changed it name to Democratic Republic of Congo i think in the 1990s when Mobutu was overthrown. The Republic of Congo was the colony west of the Democratic Republic of Congo, controlled by France. It gained independence in 1960.

What is a government where voters choose leaders who make and enforce laws?

A (Democratic) Republic.

Democratic Republic refers to a form of government in which?

representatives are elected by the people to make and enforce laws and policies.

What are the differences between a democracy a republic and a democratic republic?

A republic is a representative democracy, where the people elect representatives to make laws for them. All republics are democracies, and the phrase democratic republic is therefore redundant.Not all democracies are republics, however. A direct democracy, in which the people vote directly on all laws, is not a republic. Direct democracies rarely exist in practice, however, because of the logistic problems with getting everyone to vote on every issue.

What two countries joined to make Germany?

The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.

When was coltan discovered?

Coltan was discovered in the 20th century, with significant deposits found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other regions in Africa. The name "coltan" is actually a combination of columbite and tantalite, the two main minerals that make up coltan.

What is three countries west of the equator?

Three countries west of the equator are Brazil, Colombia, and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Why is it not the presidents job to make laws?

They decide whether laws should be made. Congress makes a bill, which is passed on to the president, then the president can either veto the bill, or make it into a law. If the president was the only decider on laws, then we would no longer have a democratic republic, we would have a monarchy. And our president would become a king or queen.

What means democratic?

democratic: ruled by the people. In a democracy, citizens elect representatives to make and carry out laws.

What is the definition of Democratic communism?

Essentially communism is not democratic. A democracy is a government where the people make the decisions about the government, but in communism the government has no input from the people it governs. Instead they are told how to live, what to say/not say, and if they protest they are arrested/killed. So, to answer your question this does not exist since they are opposite theories in government. This phrase sometimes comes up in the context of the naming of certain Communist countries, which have a tendency to style themselves "The Democratic People's Republic of ..." It's nothing more than a cynical ploy to attach some legitimacy of popular government to what, in almost all cases, is barely even Communist, and usually a totalitarian dictatorship masquarading as a popularly-supported (hence "Democratic") Communist government. Good examples here are: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (AKA North Korea), The Democratic Republic of the Congo (AKA Zaire), and the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

People elect representatives to make laws for their benefit?

a republic