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Q: How does optimistic relates to romanticism?
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What is the difference between American romanticism and British romanticism?

The difference between British and American romanticism is that British romanticism was mover diverse. American romanticism centered around only America, and American situations.

What is the symbolism of a chickadee?

It symbolizes cheerfulness, the seeker of truth, and sacred spiral. It relates to being optimistic even through difficult times.

Different types of romanticism in literature?

Gothic Romanticism and Traditional Romanticism are two types of Romanticism in literature.

Would you say 'you am optimistic' or 'you are optimistic'?

You would say "You are optimistic".

How many syllables in optimistic?

"Optimistic" has 4 syllables.

What is the differences between romanticism and dark romanticism?

Romanticism is like beauty and nature, and dark Romanticism is like feeling like you want to kill your lover.

What is an example sentence for the word optimistic?

Here are some examples; Hope they help. I'm a very optimistic person. She was optimistic about the upcoming Science competition. He is an optimistic person; always hopeful and confident about the future. Definition: Hopeful and confident about the future

A good conclusion for a romanticism in a essay?

conclusion of romanticism

How can you use optimistic in a sentence?

jane was optimistic about the project

Optimistic in sentences?

I'm very optimistic about the outcome.

Was Benjamin Franklin optimistic?

Yes ! Very optimistic !

What part of speech is the word optimistic?

Optimistic is an adjective.