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The Trans Alaskan Pipeline runs from the north to the south in a pipe that is above ground.

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Q: How does oil from the north slope get to southern Alaska for shipment by ocean tankers?
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What body of water borders northern Alaska?

The southern part of the Arctic Ocean borders Alaska to the north.

What continent is redoubt located in?

Mount Redoubt is in southern Alaska. Alaska is part of the North American Continent.

Is Alaska in the northern or southern hemisphere?

Alaska is located in the northern hemisphere.

How does crude oil from the Alaskan pipe line get to California?

The Alaskan pipeline goes from the north area of Alaska to the southern area, where the oil is loaded into tankers and taken to West Coast ports. A vast system of domestic pipelines then transport the oil to refineries throughout the US.

Are the Hawaiian islands located to the north south east or west of Alaska?

Hawaii is more Northern than Southern, although some people call it Central Pacific.

What is the southern mountain range in Alaska?

The southern mountain range in Alaska is called the Alaska Range. It stretches across south-central Alaska and includes the highest peak in North America, Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley). The Alaska Range is known for its rugged terrain and stunning scenery.

What part of Alaska is the Alaska range found?

Right about the middle running east and west. Alaska has three major mountain ranges, the Brooks farest north runs east to west, Coastal in southern Alaska and the Alaska range is in between those two.

What natural features affected the route people took from Alaska to southern North America?

Snow & Glaciers

Is Alaska south of Antarctica?

No, the South Pole is located on Antarctica in the Southern Hemisphere. Alaska is located northwest of North America -- west of Canada, in the Northern Hemisphere.

What state is considered the southern most northern state and the northern most southern most northern state?

Alaska is the northernmost state and Hawaii is the southernmost state.

Southern mountain range in Alaska?

The southern mountain range in Alaska is called the Alaska Range. It is home to some of the state's highest peaks, including Denali (Mount McKinley), North America's highest peak. The range spans over 400 miles and is a prominent feature of Alaska's landscape.

How does Alaska current affects the climate of western British Columbia and southern Alaska?

The Alaska Current is a warm-water eddy current resulting from the northward diversion of a portion of the North Pacific Current when that current meets the west coast of the North American continent. It is warmer than most sub-Arctic Pacific water with temperatures above 39° F (4° C). As such, it has a warming effect on the climate of British Colombia and southern Alaska