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For every hour that passes during flight, you watch goes back an hour. For example: if you fly 8hours west, you past 8 time zones, which means you subtract one hour per time zone. As if you were going east, you would add an hour.


Many people DO experience what is called "Jet lag"- basically, it is the wrong time. It is 6 PM, but you desperately want to sleep- since YOUR internal clock says it is midnight. Which means you are up and awake at 2 AM. I go from Eastern to Hawai'ian time about 4-5 times each year, and the first day is the hardest. Couple of suggestions that have worked for me- Stay up until it is time to go to bed, have a good meal with a fair amont of carbohydrates, avoid caffiene at the wrong time. Aloha!

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Q: How does it affect you if you are flying through different time zones from new york to Honolulu Hawaii?
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