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Q: How does elevation and nearby bodies of water affect Connecticut's climate?
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How does elevation of bodies of water affect Oregon's climate?

The elevation of bodies of water in Oregon can affect the climate by influencing temperature variations and precipitation patterns. Higher elevation bodies of water may lead to cooler temperatures in surrounding areas due to the cooling effect of the water. Additionally, elevation can impact the amount of precipitation received, as higher elevation bodies of water can enhance rainfall or snowfall due to orographic lifting.

What factors affects the climate of the great plains region?

Some factors that affect the climate of the Great Plains region include its distance from large bodies of water, its latitude, elevation, prevailing winds, and the presence of mountain ranges. These factors influence temperature, precipitation levels, and weather patterns in the region.

What process is the least likely to affect a regions climate?

The process least likely to affect a region's climate is volcanic activity, as it's a relatively rare and sporadic event that can have short-term impacts. Other factors like latitude, elevation, and proximity to bodies of water have more consistent and long-lasting effects on climate.

What three major factors affect the climate of a place?

Three major factors that affect the climate of a place are latitude, altitude, and proximity to large bodies of water. Latitude determines the amount of sunlight a region receives, altitude influences temperature and precipitation patterns, and large bodies of water can moderate temperature fluctuations and influence precipitation levels.

What are the highland climate zones determined by?

Highland climate zones are determined by elevation. As elevation increases, temperatures tend to decrease, resulting in cooler temperatures characteristic of highland climates. Other factors such as topography and proximity to bodies of water can also influence highland climates.

The climate of a continent may be influenced by continental?

The climate of a continent may be influenced by continental factors such as its size, location, elevation, and proximity to large bodies of water. These factors can affect temperature, precipitation patterns, and wind patterns, leading to a variety of different climates across continents.

How did the cold climate affect the Neanderthals life?

Their bodies were adapted to cold weather.

Climate depends on such factors as an area's?

Climate depends on factors such as latitude, elevation, proximity to water bodies, and prevailing wind patterns. These factors influence the amount of sunlight received, temperature variations, and precipitation levels in a particular area, ultimately determining its climate characteristics.

What two bodies make up Connecticuts General Assembly?

The two bodies that make up Connecticut's General Assembly are the State Legislature of the U.S and State Legislature

Lists factors that affect temperatures of places on earth?

Factors that affect temperatures of places on Earth include latitude (distance from the equator), altitude (elevation above sea level), proximity to bodies of water, ocean currents, prevailing winds, and elevation of landmasses. Climate patterns and geographic location also play a significant role in determining temperatures of specific regions.

What can affect the climate of an area?

Factors such as latitude, proximity to bodies of water, altitude, and prevailing wind patterns can all affect the climate of an area. Human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, can also contribute to changes in climate.

How did the warmer climate at the end of the Ice Age affect at the Americans?

The Americans were so used to the colder climate, that they werent prepared for a climate change, which effected their health, bodies, and survival.