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US Thanksgiving?

I cooked a turkey and fixins for my wife and I.

In Korea, I'm pretty sure it was just another Thursday.

For the few that may have been interested, I'm sure turkey costs more than Wagyu beef in Korea, so I don't think anything familiar as Thanksgiving happened there.

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15y ago
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13y ago

They have many traditions just like Americans do. they celebrate traditions according to the lunar calendar. They celebrate new years with a special rice soup called duk soup and have parades and play traditional games. They also receive money after bowing to their parents and grandparents as an honor, not religiously.

Also on birthdays they eat this special seaweed soup called miyuk kuk (seaweed soup).


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9y ago

As a celebration of the good harvest, Koreans visit their ancestral hometowns and share a feast of Korean traditional food such as songpyeon and rice wines such as sindoju and dongdongju.

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13y ago

farmer do religious service for their ancester.

but it's not usual thing nowadays.

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12y ago

Memorial Day is a US holiday so if you are asking about Korean nationals then they do not have such a holiday.

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12y ago

same as every one

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