Uilleam is the Gaelic spelling for William.
The Irish (Gaelic) is Liam.Scottish Gaelic has Uilidh.
In Scottish Gaelic: Uilleagan; Irish Gaelic is Liam
In Scots Gaelic: MacUilleim; In Irish: Mac Liam.
In Irish it's "Uilliam" In Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam; Liam is more common in Irish.
It would be the same as the Irish (Liam) unless you wanted to use Uilleam (Scottish Gaelic for William).
mac in Irish and Scottish Gaelic.
In the Irish language, deaide.In the Scottish Gaelic language, ......
It would be Bríd (or Brighid) Nic Liam.
In Irish: Pilib.In Scots Gaelic: Filip.
The Scottish Gaelic form of the surname is MacIllFhionndaig.As a first name it would be Liondsaidh.(Some Irish families that adopted the name 'Lindsay' were MacClintock, Lynchy, and O'Lynn.)
Irish: RoibeardScottish: Raibeart