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Q: How do you think the gold and diamonds mines have affected South Africa's economy?
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South Africa has a developed economy do you agree or not?

Yes, because South Africa is Africas most developed country.

What was taken from South Africa by the british empire?

the british took south Africas gold,diamonds and other mineral resources hope this helps :)

What are South Africas major products?

Gold, platinum, diamonds, and iron ore are South Africa's biggest exports. Ilovo Sugar and Clover Dairy are also some of the country's largest consumer goods manufacturers.

Why are diamonds a problem in south Africa?

no, not now. they create jobs and improve our economy.

Who was South Africas goalkeeper?

Itumeleng Khune is South Africa's Goalkeeper

Who is South Africas national hero?

Nelson Mandela

What was the economy of the north during the civil war?

it wasn't as badly affected as the south.

What is South Africas leading frozen food company?

Irvin & Johnson

Southern economy affected wartime?

the north & south found plenty of ways to raise money.

Are there diamonds in South Dakota?

South Dakota is not known for its diamonds.

Does South Africa make diamonds?

No. Diamonds are mined in South Africa.