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how do you think Europe

might have responded to the monroe

doctrine if the untied states was not friends with Great Britain

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Q: How do you think Europe might have responded to the Monroe doctrine if the United States was not friends with Britain?
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How might Europe have responded to the Monroe Doctrine if the US was not friends with Great Britain?

Definition of Monroe DoctrineJust to be clear, the Monroe Doctrine was a statement made by US President James Monroe in 1823 that effectively stated several things: (1) that new attempts by European nations to create new colonies or re-colonize newly independent states in the New World would be viewed negatively by the US, (2) that the US would intervene in any such conflict, and (3) that the European nations were free to maintain current colonies and internal affairs without the US meddling with those.Most European countries laughed at the US for proposing this because the US had no means of effectively fighting against them. It was Britain's support for the Monroe Doctrine that made the Doctrine more-or-less followed.Concerning FriendshipThe cordial relations between the US and UK in 1823 had no bearing on Europe's response to the Monroe Doctrine. The US and UK would only truly become "friends" in the later 19th century after the US Civil War. However, the Monroe Doctrine is often see as a precursor to the "US-UK Special-Relationship" which was well-established in the 20th and 21st centuries.Since "friendship" did not really exist between the US and UK in 1823, the presence or lack of friendship was IRRELEVANT in determining Europe's leaders' responses to the Monroe Doctrine.Actual Reason for SuccessWhat Britain did that made the Monroe Doctrine successful was their Foreign Secretary George Canning's statements that the British Navy would enforce and defend the Americas from European intervention along the lines stated in the Monroe Doctrine. Because Britain was the most powerful country in the world, as opposed to the US, which was relatively weak, the British approval was critical and lead to the Europeans acquiescing to the terms of the Monroe Doctrine.If Britain had not supported the Monroe Doctrine (or actively opposed it), it would have been a worthless speech. European Powers that had recently lost colonies in the New World, like Spain and Portugal, would likely have attempted to reclaim those territories. Other European Powers would try to conquer recently independent countries, like France actually did when Napoleon III decided to invade Mexico in 1861 because the US Civil War prevented direct US intervention to protect Mexico. Others would want to extend their current colonies, such as Russia had tried in the Ukase in 1821.

When was World War 2 declared in Europe?

On 1 September 1939, German forces attacked Poland. On 3 September 1939, Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany.

When was Britain in Europe created?

Britain in Europe was created in 1999.

What opposed the truman doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was in direct opposition to the Truman Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine said the US should not interfere with events in Europe.

How did Europe responded to the Monroe Doctrine?

The American failures throughout the War of 1812 made the doctrine laughable to Europeans. Latin Americans were doubtful about the U.S. enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine, and generally ignored it. In the early 1900's, the Monroe Doctrine proved it's power. President Theodore Roosevelt aggressively enforced it during the Venezuela Border Dispute and in securing the independence of Cuba from abusive Spanish rule.

What continent does Britain belongs?

Britain is part of the continent of Europe.

How did the truman doctrine help stabilize Europe?


The Truman doctrine resulted in what?

the economic recovery of Europe.

Why was the Monroe doctrine of such importance to the US?

The Monroe Doctrine was important to The US and Great Britain as well. The doctrine was aimed primarily at France and Russia. It in fact had the blessing of Great Britain. The economics of it were of prime concern to Great Britain for several reasons. By declaring that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to further colonization by the Great Powers of Europe, the doctrine also declared that the US would have no interest in making colonies for itself. This was welcomed by Great Britain as it owned Canada. It also, via its naval fleet protected its commercial interests with the newly independent nations of Latin America. Further to this, it laid out a warning to Russia concerning its activities in the great northwest, which helped Great Britain as well. The doctrine laid a foundation for preventing France to take adventures in the Western Hemisphere. And, that concern was genuine as later in the century Mexico became a target for French imperialism.

What continent is Great Britain situated in?

Great Britain is situated in the continent of Europe.

What was the Monroe doctrines effect on Europe?

Monroe Doctrine stopped Europe from colonizing land from America.

In the monroe doctrine which country was off limits to Europe?
