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The head of the male is usually larger and broader than the female. The male has an angular body and the female has a round body.

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Q: How do you tell the sex of a California alligator lizard?
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It's nearly impossible to determine rather the sex of a blue belly lizard is male or female.Sometimes the males belly is a lighter color than the females.

Can you tell me the Sex of a blue tounged lizard?

It can be difficult to determine the sex of a blue-tongued lizard just by looking at it, as the male and female external characteristics may not be obvious. In some species, males may be slightly larger or have broader heads than females, but for a more accurate determination, you would need to check for internal reproductive organs or wait to observe specific mating behaviors.

What determones the sex of an alligator offspring?

The Temperature. It will be a male if the temperature is between 31.7 and 33.5 and a female if it is outside of that.

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Desert spinny lizards do not have obvious external characteristics to distinguish between males and females. To determine the sex of a desert spinny lizard, you would typically need to examine internal reproductive organs. Alternatively, observing behavior during mating season may provide clues about the sex of the lizard.

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Who would win a fight between an alligator and a polar bear?

Depends on the size, age, sex and "experience" of either species.