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1)by appointing honest anti corruption offericers.

2)increasing theirs salries

3) minimum selection critera should be graduation like motorway police and traffic wardins

4)by keeping abreast of politicians involvemnt

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Q: How do you stop bribe and corruption in Pakistan?
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What is it called when you bribe politicians?

Bribery or corruption.

What are threats for foreign direct investment in Pakistan?

a.lack of security b. bureaucracy c. corruption and bribe But if you invest in real estate then there is no threats for foreign direct investment in Pakistan .It will give you a great reward. for further detail.

How can a student stop corruption?

A student can stop corruption by leading by example, promoting ethical behavior, speaking out against corruption, and getting involved in anti-corruption initiatives and activities. Educating oneself and others about the detrimental effects of corruption is also important in order to create a culture of transparency and accountability.

How do you stop corruption in Pakistan?

Charity Start from Home! I Believe that our country has Rule & regulation with proper procedures but unfortunately we have lack of its proper implementation, or some time we as individual ignore or neglect those rules, so I must say that look in to our self and appraise how much we individuals are part of corruption, I am writing few examples which can unlimited if we start writing.• We bribe the Schools to get our Kids admitted in Kg/Nursery• We bribe to make our driving License, Pay Road tax(Vehicle Token), all Type of Tax, make birth Certificates, get death Certificates, get electric & gas connection, get water connection, get our House registered; get our house plan pass, etc. etc.• We bribe the Medical or Engineering Colleges to get our Children admitted.• When the kids become an Engineer or doctor then we want the 'return of our investment'. They start taking bribe to fulfill the aspirations of their parents.• We bribe to get a job.• We bribe to get dead bodies from hospitals.Sajid Qureshi

Corruption in Pakistan?

please give me institutional corruption as per ranking

What is the impact of corruption on Pakistan's economy?

If there is corruption people'll not pay tex 'caz of which economy of Pakistan will certainly go towards decline......

Why should bribe givers be punished?

They entice others to corruption or allow a state of corruption to continue, giving themselves an unfair advantage over the competition.

How do you stop people from laughing?

you can make them stop laughing with a bribe

How do you build strong Pakistan?

Pakistan can build strong in without corruption environment.

What is the Pakistan's ranking in corruption wise?


How can you stop people from mistreating animals?

bribe them

Who is the mafia in Pakistan?

Although Drug Mafia is there in Pakistan but the worst one is the Corruption Mafia.