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Q: How do you say the word police in Somalian?
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I need the word that starts with a "C" when police leads victims to say things that didn't happen.

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I am somalian and i dont hate white people. I had a half white bf and a white friend so stfu whoeva asked this stupid question. And btw somalian is not a word

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Barafun in Somalian means perfume.

How do you say i am not happy in Samoan?

Anigu ma waxaan ahay faraxsan (This is Somalian but it was the best I could find)

How do you say I am happy in Samoan?

Anigu ma waxaan ahay faraxsan (This is Somalian but it was the best I could find)

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Somalian. They took a DNA test from him and found out it related to the Somalian genetics.

Is k'naan somalian?

yes he is..