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my trip to France

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Q: How do you say my trip to Paris France in french?
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How do you say French kisses in Paris in French?

baisers de France à Paris

Have a good trip to France?

"bon voyage en France" is the way French speakers would say 'have a good trip to France'.

How do you say our French Trip?

Notre voyage en France

How do you say have a great trip in France?

To say have a great trip in French it's " Ayez un grand voyage!"

How do you say in French Paris is the capital of France?

Paris est le capital la

How do you say thank you in Paris?

Well Paris is in France, and in France they speak French. "Thank-you" in French is "Merci". (pronounced Mair-see).

How do you say which part of France you come from in french?

To say which part of France you come from in French, you can say "Je viens de + [name of the region or city]." For example, "Je viens de Paris" means "I come from Paris."

How do you say Disney World in french?

if you are referring to the Disney world in Paris, France, the French call it 'Parc Disneyland'

Is Paris located in Northern France?

Paris is located at three quarters of the total South/North distance in France, but a lot of French would say that 'Northern France' is starting even more farther in the North of Paris.

Are Paris and France the same?

Paris is the capital of France. But France is more of EVERYTHING French, Paris is the renowned city. Like if I asked someone "Name one city or town in France" I'm betting that 90% of the time they'd say Paris because it's so renowned.

How do you say are you ready for your trip in french?

Es-tu prêt pour ton voyage en france?

How dou say France in french?

In French, you say "France" as "France."