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я понимаю русский¸, pronounced ya pa-nee-MA-yu roos-ski

As another contributor pointed out, if you don't know Russian, it may be best you don't know how to say that.

You may want to learn the phrase ya nee pa-nee-MA-yu roos-ski (I do not understand Russian) just in case.

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14y ago

Either простите (prah-stEE-tye,) прошу прощения (prah-shU prah-shEH-ni-ya,) or мне жаль (mhE zhAl') depending on the situation.

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Q: How do you say i understand Russian in Russian?
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я понимаю русский¸, pronounced ya pa-nee-MA-yu roos-skiAs another contributor pointed out, if you don't know Russian, it may be best you don't know how to say that.You may want to learn the phrase ya nee pa-nee-MA-yu roos-ski (I do not understand Russian) just in case.

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