In Guyana, the most common way to say hello is "Hello" or "Hi" as English is the official language of the country. However, you may also hear people greet each other with "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or "Good evening" depending on the time of day. Additionally, in the Guyanese Creole language, you may hear people say "Wha gwan?" which is a casual greeting meaning "What's going on?"
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the main language in guyana is english and because the language is rare and not registered properly you don't get translations directly! Sorry
Inline with Castilian Spanish which they speak in Cuba it is Hola. That is wrong "hola" is hello in all Spanish speaking countries. In Cuban "hello" is "Que Vola" it really means "Was up" but is used as a hello amongs friends when they see each other... Example: Que vola mi ambia!!!! 1)Was up my brother. 2) Hello my brother.
You say "hello" in English.
Say Hello to Rosita!
halito is how you say hello and how to say hello how are you is Halito, Chim Achukma?
In Filipino, you say "hello" as "kamusta."
This is how you say hello in Turkish: Merhaba = Hello
Crocodiles do NOT say hello.
In Neapolitan, you say "ciao" to say hello.
In Paiute, you can say "Kwai" to say hello.
hello hello
hello same hello