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Ka pua lahilahi pronounced kah poo-wah lah-hee-lah-hee

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Aloha: iki pua [eekee pooah]

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Q: How do you say heavenly flower in hawaiian?
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What is the hawaiian translation of Leilani?

It means heavenly flower/ or heavenly child

Is Leilani a hawaiian name?

Yes, Leilani is a Hawaiian name. It combines the Hawaiian words "lei" meaning "flower wreath" or "child" and "lani" meaning "heavenly" or "royal," giving it the beautiful meaning of "heavenly flower" or "royal child."

What does the hawiian name Leilani mean?

The Hawaiian name Leilani means "heavenly flowers" or "royal child of heaven." It is a common name that reflects the beauty and connection to nature in Hawaiian culture.

How do you say noelle in hawaiian?

The Hawaiian equivalent of "Noelle" is "Noelani," which means "heavenly mist."

How do you say the flower pua in English?

Pua is the Hawaiian word for Flower.

How you say beautiful flower in Hawaiian?


What is heavenly in hawaiian?

Aloha. Answer: there are several ways to say this, actually. Lani, mailani, kalani are all acceptable. A hui hou (until next time)

How do you say buttercup in hawaiian?

There is no Hawaiian word for buttercup, but you could say waiūpaka pua which means "butter flower"

How do you say beautiful flower in hawaiian?

Ka pua nani

What does ekahilani mean?

It sounds like a bad attempt at someone who didn't know the hawaiian language trying to give someone a Hawaiian name. Technically it means, heavenly number one. 'ekahi being the number 1 and lani being Heavenly. I think someone was trying to say 'heavenly one (not number)' but didn't understand that there was no translation for that in Hawaiian. a Hawaiian would be more inclined to give a name like kamalani which means heavenly child/person.

How do you say heavenly flower in Japanese?

天の花 (ten no hana) would be "flower of heaven" or "heavenly flower."It would be pronounced like "ten" (as in "10"), "no" (as in "yes or NO"), "ha" (like the "ha" in "hall") and "na" (like the "na" in "Narnia").

Does Leilani mean a heavenly flower?

Leilani= Heavenly garland(lei)