German- Prost! Swedish - Skål! Norwegian - Skål! Danish - Skål! Spanish- Salud!
In Nordic languages, there are different ways to say "Cheers!" when toasting. In Danish, you say "Skål!" In Swedish, the word is "Skål!" as well. In Norwegian, you say "Skål!" and in Icelandic, it is "Skál!"
"Cheers" is what you say in Britain!
Bilde is how you say photo in Norwegian.
"Velg meg" is how you say "choose me" in Norwegian.
The word for teenager in Norwegian is "tenåring".
My family in norwegian are "Min familie"
Hunter in norwegian is 'jeger'.
Cheers = Saúde
To ask "what time is it?" in Norwegian, you can say "Hva er klokka?"
thanks cheers thanks cheers thanks cheers