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Q: How do you say I am blessed by the good Lord every day in Hawaiian?
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What is the hawaiian to English translation of Kealohapomaika'i?

Aloha: Blessed good fortune

What is the day Christ died called on the Catholic Calendar?

Roman Catholic AnswerOur Blessed Lord died on Good Friday.

What is Pomaikai in hawaiian?

"Pomaikai" in Hawaiian means "fortunate" or "blessed." It is a term used to express good fortune or favorable circumstances.

What does maikai means?

Aloha: Always well, always good, always blessed, etc.

Why is Saint Thomas the apostle special?

.Catholic AnswerSt. Thomas has gone down in history as "doubting Thomas". He was not there when Our Blessed Lord first appeared to the Apostles after His resurrection. St. Thomas, when he heard that Our Blessed Lord had been raised said that he would not believe unless he stuck his hands in the holes made by the nails and the spear. Later, Our Blessed Lord appeared to the Apostles again and told St. Thomas to put his hands in His hands and feet, and side. St. Thomas replied with the exclamation that every good Catholic makes at the elevation immediately following the consecration at every Mass: "My Lord, and my God!"

What is Good morning every one in hawaiian translations?

Aloha kakahiaka keia 'ekahi

Why Catholics are bad?

Catholicism was established by God, guaranteed by God, and is guided by God, through His Vicar on Earth. Every individual Catholic, saving Our Blessed Lord and His Mother are human beings, and thus are sinners in need of Our Blessed Lord's redemption. So, in that sense they are bad, just as every other human being is, and in need of God's redemption. But to be a Catholic, sincerely, and to do it well, is to participate in God's own life, and to become a saint. Thus Catholicism is a very good thing, look at the great saints that have lived in the past two thousand years, from Sts. Peter and Paul right up through Blessed John Paul II, and Blessed Mother Teresa.

Why does the church celebrate the liturgy so often?

Every ordained priest (and Bishop) may celebrate Mass every day of the year, save on Good Friday. The Mass is the re-presentation of Our Blessed Lord's sacrifice of Himself upon the cross for our salvation. It is the only reason that heaven is accessible to us.

What is the Hawaiian word for good?

The Hawaiian word for good is "pono."

Is Catholic a good type of Christian?

Roman Catholic AnswerOur Blessed Lord, before He died, appointed St. Peter, and his successors, as his Vicar on which He built His Church (read St. Matthew 16:17-19). The Church was then born from the side of the dead Body of Our Blessed Lord as He hung on the Cross and was pierced by the soldier's lance. It was then confirmed by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost when He descended on the Apostles. Our Blessed Lord was very clear - there would be One Fold, and One Shepherd. That Fold is the Catholic Church, and that Shepherd is Our Blessed Lord represented on earth by His appointed Vicar - the Pope in Rome. A "Christian" is anyone who is validly baptised and a member of the Catholic Church established by Our Blessed Lord. There are those outside the Church, who, through their Baptism and profession of the Nicene Creed in its traditional interpretation are Christians and members of the Church, howbeit invisibility. However, to answer your question specifically, a Catholic is the ONLY type of Christian, hopefully a good one, but there are no others.

How do say good morning in hawaiian?

The Hawaiian translation for good morning is aloha kakahiaka.

How do you say no good in hawaiian?

Hawaiian is a developed English language. No good remains the same in Hawaiian as it does in English.