god bless you and your family
If the family's last name is Smith, you would say "God bless the Smith family."But if you were talking about a boy named Smith and his family, you would say "God bless Smith's family", because the family belongs to Smith.Only use an apostrophe if something belongs to that person! I hope this helps :)
god bless
May God bless my family Literally That God bless my family
god bless you
God bless you and your sister
"God bless our family and this food" is "Que Dieu bénisse notre famille et cette nourriture / et ce repas" in French.
You say ... "God Bless This Theater" ... what exactly were you trying to ask here?
We say God bless you as 'Isol nang.na patichina'
God bless you = Gott segne dich (God) bless you! (after a sneeze) = Gesundheit!
It means, "God bless you and your family always."
In Czech, we say " bůh ti žehnej" . It means the same - god bless you.