Pōpokiʻāhina [po-po-kee ah-ee-na] or Pōpoki 'oau [po-po-kee ow] might be easier. Both correct.
To say "white" in Hawaiian, you would say "kāmaʻa."
Computer = Komepiula
popoko elele
In Hawaiian, you can say "nā wāwae keʻokeʻo" which translates to white toes.
The phrase "white sun" in Hawaiian is translated as "lā kea."
"Haole" is a term in Hawaiian that is often used to refer to white people or non-native Hawaiians.
halekea [ha-lay-kay-ah]
In Arapaho you say nookóe'éí-wo'óoó
Aloha; Kiapolō haole [keeah-polo howlay]
The Hawaiian word for white dog is "īlio kea."