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boil it then scoop the lanelin off the top of the water. I'm warning you though: it stinks terribly.

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Q: How do you save the lanolin from raw wool?
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What is sheep oil?

Raw Sheep's wool contains a fine oil to waterproof the wool and keep it nice and flexible. This oil is called, "Lanolin", and you can buy it at many stores.

How does the grease affect the wool?

The oil on the sheeps' skin surface (lanolin) makes the wool oily.

Does sheep wool have lanolin?


Name of grease in sheep's wool?

The grease in sheep's wool is called lanolin. It is a natural wax produced by sheep to protect their wool and skin from the elements. Lanolin is commonly used in cosmetics and skincare products for its moisturizing properties.

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Is lanolin found naturally in the human body?

Lanolin is secreted by glands in the skin of animals that have wool, like sheep. People have body hair, and not wool, so lanolin will not be found naturally in the human body.

What are other names for lanolin?

Adeps Lanae, wool wax, and wool grease.

Why does lanolin wool oil resemble wax more than fats?

Because technically, lanolin IS a wax.

How is lanolin collected?

Lanolin is collected by washing the wool fleece of sheep to remove dirt and oils. The wool is then dried and processed to extract the lanolin, which is a natural wax produced by the sebaceous glands of sheep. The extracted lanolin is further refined to remove impurities and produce a pure form of the substance.

What type of wool does a llama give?

soft and lanolin-free

What is the name of the oil or fat obtained from wool?

Lanolin. There's a fabulous explanation at