It depends who banned you and why ! If the casino banned you - write to their head-office and plead your case. If the ban was imposed by the courts - you would have to get a hearing to have the ban revoked.
Get in contact with the casino management ... they are the only ones that can remove your self inflicted ban.
If you were barred by the management of the casinos, you may find yourself barred from other casinos in other states owned or operated by the same corporation. If you are barred from Indiana's casinos by some kind of court order, it is unlikely that that ban is enforceable inter-state.
The places in Oklahoma with a ban is Eufaula, Quenton and Midwest City. Pay attention to the news for a ban in your region.
Yes, switchblades are legal in Oklahoma. In 2015, the state passed legislation that repealed the ban on switchblade knives, making it legal to own, carry, and use them in the state.
As of May 2014, the Kentucky supreme court has not ruled on the constitutionality of Kentucky's ban on same-sex marriage.
State Question 733 in the 2006 election removed the ban on liquor sales in the state of Oklahoma while the polls are open on election day. I personally tested the law during the 2008 Election as my household celebrated OBAMA's win!
The only way they would ban you is if you caught on to their cheating. I have played a lot at Riverwind and at Newcastle Casino and have noticed that they can either make their machines pay or they can stop them from paying with the click of a mouse. They are also self regulated so they can cheat all they want. I have heard that they also cheat at cards. I am not sure if all tribes cheat but the Chickasaws do cheat.
No, but a judge in the Northern District has ruled Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional and the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that decision.
He traveled to Mexico City with the Texans demands to remove the ban on American settlers and make Texas a separate state of Mexico.
Depends on the laws of YOUR state- which you did not mention.
which state tried to ban all affirmative action