You pronounce "Nor" like this;
ex. I have never jumped from that bridge, < NOR > have you.
The "r" will be pronounced as in the word "Ready"
You pronounce "ge" like this;
The two first letters in the word "get"
The word "God" can be translated as "Gud"in Norwegian.
Norge is the norwegian word of the country Norway.
"Norge" is the Norwegian word for Norway. If "norge" is found on a coin, it indicates that the coin was minted in Norway.
Norway or Norge in norwegian.
Voice Norge was created in 1987.
Kaare Norge was born in 1963.
SF Norge was created in 1989.
Nobina Norge was created in 1921.
Radio Norge was created in 2003.
Posten Norge was created in 1647.
Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge was created in 1859.
Prior Norge ended in 2006.