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Q: How do you pay for tolls between Boston and Toronto?
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How much will tolls be to travel from Boston MA to Cleveland Oh?

If you take 90 to Boston, MA from Cleveland, OH, you will pay approximately $30 in tolls in New York and Massachusetts. If you take I-88 and I-86 through New York, you could avoid tolls, but the route might be more miles.

How much will tolls be to travel from Cleveland Oh to Boston MA?

If you take 90 to Boston, MA from Cleveland, OH, you will pay approximately $30 in tolls in New York and Massachusetts. If you take I-88 and I-86 through New York, you could avoid tolls, but the route might be more miles.

Why do you have pay tolls?

Tolls are collected to pay for upkeep on highways and bridges.

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How much in tolls is it from Washington DC to Boston MA?

$7.00 for MD $3.00 for Delaware Turnpike $6.70 for NJ Turnpike $6.00 for GW Bridge $1.25 for I-95 in NY (paid northbound only) Total is $23.95. Going south, add $3 for the Delaware Memorial Bridge but subtract $1.25 for I-95, NY, $6 for GW Bridge and $5 for I-95 bridge for a total of $14.70. You could save $2 by taking I-695 West from I-95 North and taking I-695 North from I-95 South in MD.

Why do you have to pay tolls to drive on the freeway?

for the upkeep on the roads and bridges

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How many tolls from mobile al to orlando fl

Is it racist for government agencies to charge a toll knowing that some races do not tip nor wish to pay tolls?

No. Governments charge fees and tolls in order to obtain money to support their operations. If they did not have to, most people would choose not to pay tolls, and that has nothing to do with their race.

Do military personnel have to pay Virginia tolls?

In your personal vehicle? Yes, you do.

How would the Golden Gate Bridge pay for itself?

Through tolls!

What is the best route to Boston if you are returning from New York City?

Mostly I-95 all the way through CT, RI, MA to Exit 12 for I-93 north so you dont hafe to pay the masspike tolls