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Q: How do you know that North America was once joined with Greenland?
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Which continent was once joined with greenland and how do you know?

It was once attached to North America.

How did leif erikson know of lands west of Greenland?

He heard it from a fellow Viking named Bjarni Herjolfs, who had spotted North America from his ship.

Where did leif ericson sail from Greenland?

Leif Ericson and some other Norsemen of the eleventh century sailed to Newfoundland, except they called it Vinland. They spent a winter there, but didn't stick around.Source: The National Experience. It's a textbook. Do you need to know more?

What is the island in North America that is part of Denmark?

You must be thinking of Greenland. It's not Denmark, but a part of The Kingdom of Denmark. The Kingdom of Denmark consists of 3 countries; Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland. For more information look up Kingdom of Denmark and The unity of the Realm.

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do you know what were the first cowhands in north America called do you know what were the first cowhands in north America called

What Six countries are located in North America?

Five countries in North America are Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Canada, and United States. Some others are Panama, Nicaragua, and Belize. In total there are 41 countries in North America.

Did Leif Ericson sail to North America?

Leif eriksson travelled from Greenland and went north until he discovered Baffin Island. he discovered this first.he then continued on with his journey and discovered Markland, which he named after the amount of forest there and vinland which he named for the amount of grapes there. there were no grapes in iceland or Greenland, so this was important. he then found that this was perfect land for him and his crew to settle, so the did and brought leif's family there too. i don't know if he ever went back to Greenland or iceland.

When did Henry Hudson explore Greenland?

He never explored Greenland that i know of, i know that Bjarni did.

How many tree house hotels are in America?

unfotunaly i dont know! But i do know that there are 1 in north america?

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I do not know where north americia is, but in North America the general wind pattern is from west to east.

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native americans were already fur trapping before the european came to north america, some people say that vikings from iceland / greenland went to canada to trade fur but I don't know if they are right

How did Greenland form?

well Greenland was the first island open it was realy opened first if you go there. there is vikings but not like the football players of vikings the real vikings im talking should know where is Greenland close to Canada its cool so yeah.ill show you how its made man.vikings were searching for a island they searched and searched and they said look an island. they went there and they called it Greenland.its made out of ice the vikings were hiding place so know one know's where is this how its made.first, it was the first island grown.second,all the states came out and than the vikings were the first to come in the 50 states.thrid,they saw another island they called it markland. prince and the king and all the vikings lived there. there was a scary monster they saw it came in and riped all the vikings body but the king and prince killed the monster. very cool so its really real when you go to Greenland bye.