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Q: How do you get to ravensbruck from Berlin?
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In what country was the ravensbruck located?

Better sentence: What country is Ravensbruck located ? ...... Answer: Germany

Where is Ravensbruck from Frankfurt?

Ravensbruck was a camp for women near Furstenberg (about 388 miles northeast of Frankfurt.)

When did ravensbruck close and why?


What is unique about Ravensbruck Concentration Camp?

Ravensbruck was the largest women's concentration camp during World War II. .

Who created the hands ravensbruck sculpture?

Fritz Cremer is credited with the creation of the Ravensbruck sculpture called the Burdened Woman. The sculptures are displayed to commemorate the deaths at the Ravensbruck concentration camps. This sculpture is sometimes referred to as "Hands."

How many people died at ravensbruck?

An estimated 92,000 woman died at Ravensbruck. This doesn't account to the men that were deported to Ravensbruck when they were unable to work any longer.

When was Ravensbruck liberated?

April 30th, 1945

What was ravensbruck most famous for?

a concentration camp.

What sickness did Corrie ten Boom die of at ravensbruck?

Corrie ten Boom never died in Ravensbruck. She died of a stroke on April 15, 1983.

What type of camp was Ravensbruck?

It was a concentration camp for women.

Who was corrie ten booms sister who was imprisoned in ravensbruck camp?


How do you pronounce Ravensbruck?

To an englishman the closest pronunciation is... "rah-vens-brook"