Creditors usually don't file garnishment unless you miss payments. If you make payments on time there's no reason to file. They have to have a reason before the garnishment can happen.
The procedure would be to file a motion in the court where the garnishment was ordered to request the writ of garnishment be vacated or amended.
To get a wage garnishment lowered, one may file a claim of exemption. There are state laws that provide various protections that one may claim to reduce a garnishment.
file bankruptcy
Unless you voluntarily agreed to a garnishment clause in whatever payment contract you signed, garnishment can only be done by means of court action (unless we're talking about the IRS here). In the case of court ordered garnishment you can file an appeal to the garnishment order with the court which issued it.
If the court denied the motion for garnishment 'with prejudice,' it cannot be refiled. If the court denied the motion for garnishment 'without prejudice,' it can be refiled.
after filing a motion of denying the judgement on garnished bank account: how long will it take to release bank garnishment
The proper procedure for the garnishment of wages is established by the laws of the state in which the debtor resides. Generally, the person/plaintiff wishing to initiate a garnishment must file the writ of judgment as a garnishment order with the clerk of the court in which the judgment was granted.
Tennessee. Your residency also bases on your taxes. when you file your taxes for Tennessee then your a resident there. If you file your taxes for Kentucky then your a reident in KentuxkyTennessee. Your residency also bases on your taxes. when you file your taxes for Tennessee then your a resident there. If you file your taxes for Kentucky then your a reident in Kentuxky
Garnishment will not stop if you leave the state. A garnishment is obtained from a judgment or default judgment against you in court. You have the option to go to court, and file for modification of the debt or file bankruptcy unless the debt is listed under special circumstances.