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According to the Trinidad and Tabago website, flags no longer suitable for display should be disposed of by burning and should not be left lying about. See Related Links.

In the US, some VFWs or American Legion Posts offer appropriate disposal services for worn out American flags.

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Burn it ashes

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burn it into ashes

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burn it

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Q: How do you dispose of an old national flag?
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How do we dispose of an old Trinidad and Tobago national flag?

how do we dispose of an old Trinidad and Tobago national flag

How do we dispose of old national flags of Trinidad and tobago?

how do we dispose of an old Trinidad and Tobago national flag

What should you do with an olg flag?

In the USA, the proper way to dispose of an old flag is to burn it. You can also contact a veterans group for assistance.

What is the correct means of disposal for a US national flag?

The correct way to dispose of a tattered US flag is burning. Respectful burnings are conducted on Flag Day by the American Legion, among others.

Does Philippines burn a tattered flag?

No, burning a national flag is not a common practice in the Philippines. The proper way to dispose of a tattered flag in the Philippines is through a ceremony called "flag retirement," where it is respectfully folded and buried or cremated.

What is the proper way to dispose of a flag?

Once a flag has become disrespected (by being torn or touching the ground for example) or is ready to be retired for whatever reason, it should be respectfully disposed of. The proper disposal is by burning or a burning ceremony. It is best to fold the flag in its customary manner as if it is being presented and place it on a fire that is intense enough to fully burn it. If so desired, people can pay respects to the flag by saluting it, saying the pledge of allegiance, or having a moment of silent reflection. Once the flag has been fully consumed and has turned to ash, the fire should be safely extinguished and the ashes should be buried.

How do you dispose a state flag?

You burn it.

What was rthe name for the old Canadian flag?

The national flag was the Royal Military College of Canada flag.

What is the proper disposal of the US flag?

the correct way to dispose of a flag respectfully is by burning it.

How old is the Dutch flag?

It was officially adopted as the National flag on Feb. 19th, 1937 although the flag was first introduced in 1572.

Is a grand old flag the national anthem of the US?

No. The national anthem of the US is "The Star-Spangled Banner".

What to do with a flag torn and worn?

Well if the American Flag touches the ground you are supposed to burn it. And if a flag is old and tattered then it should be burned