580 U.S. dollars = 7 889.97565 Mexican pesos (as of 2011-12-02). For latest see related links.
13.5764 Mexican Pesos to 1 USD
Assuming your question refers to Mexican pesos, exchange rates change every day but during 2011-12 they've averaged about 13 or 14 Mexican pesos = US$1. So, 5 pesos would be worth about 35¢
12 percent VAT of 2350 pesos is 282 pesos.
To convert 4 dollars per gallon to Euros per liter, you would first convert dollars to Euros using the current exchange rate. Then, convert gallons to liters using the conversion factor 1 gallon = 3.78541 liters. Finally, divide the cost in Euros by the volume in liters to get the Euros per liter value.
Well if 1 dollar equals 12 pesos, 60 pesos equal 5 dollars.
If you go to Mexico, you can spend Canadian dollars at a 10x1 conversion rate (ten Pesos equal one Canadian dollar). The actual conversion rate is about 12x1, but it changes fairly frequently. You can look it up on a site like xe.com.
no one dolor in pesos is about 12 pesos
At a rate of 1 pound is 1.18 Euros. 12 pounds is about 14.2 Euros
It's 12 to 20 Euros per hour.. or did you need that converted to something else? ;)In United States Dollars that's approximately $17.95 to $29.91 per hour.If you need to convert it to another monetary amount and/or for future reference go tohttp:/www.xe.com/uccThat's an on-line Currency Exchange program that will convert from one type of currency to another.
twelve euros go into The British pond by £9.58 roughly
As of May 29, 2014, a US Dollar exchanges for 12.84 Mexican Pesos. For the past 5 years, the rate has varied, approximately between 12 and 14 pesos to the dollar. According to The Economist's 2013 "Big Mac Index", the Peso is undervalued by about 33%.