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They should be kept in groups of 4 or more and in at least 55 gallons for 4 of them. The temp. should be 75 to 80 degrease, you NEED a heater for this fish! P.H should be between 6.0-7.5. You should have double the filtration for your tank, so if your tank is 55 gallons you should have at least 100 gallons of filtration. They can be trained to eat pelets, flakes, live things(goldfish,rosy red minos,minos,tetras,worms,anything like that. Also they should be feed blood worms every once in a wile. Dark bottom substrate(perferably gravle) will show your fishes natraule colors. You should have dim lighting, and many hiding places because these fish are very skiddish, and scardy cats. Keep them weel fed or they will eat each other.

Nothing really besides large plecos, and larger tetras,and tinfoil barbs can be kept with the pirhana. anything els would end up in their mouth.

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Q: How do you care for red belly piranhas?
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Can pacus and piranha live together?

Yes, they are from the same family, but i dont know if Red Belly Pacus can be kept with Black Belly Piranhas. Red belly Pacus can be kept with Red belly piranhas.

Why Do red belly piranhas have to be kept in odd numbers?

They don't

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piranhas are good for teens but kids watch out for them ,not that they will kill them but the black belly and yellow belly are more mean than red belly piranha

How do piranhas die?

belly up

How do black bellied piranhas get there black belly?

black belly piranahs are born with there black bellies

Are all piranhas red?

No, auctually most piranhas aren't red like the Black Piranha

What is the human impact on red piranhas?

Humans eat Red Piranhas. We are their number one predator.

What does a piranhas look like?

There are 3 main types of Piranhas. Here is the List from LEAST aggressive to HIGHLY aggressive. 1) Least aggressive is the Red Belly Piranha. It has a bad reputation and old myths about how they would kill and eat anything. But the piranha will not attack or kill a human. It still eats and can kill, Fish; Worms; Insects; Mice; Birds... ETC. 2) Golden Belly Piranha, i know little of this pirahna except that it is said it cannot be kept with anything but itself (Same type of pirahna). They are very hard to find and are endangered. Like the Black Pirahna. (SEE 3) 3) Black Belly Piranha is highly, the MOST aggressive piranhas known. They are black and will eat ANYTHING. If you circle the tank the black belly will FOLLOW you thinking it can attack you. It will kill anything and eat it. It is compatible with the Red belly and its own kind. Its not as often seen as a red belly. There has never been a record of a Black Belly Piranha being bred with the Red, and Golden Bellied Piranhas. THE PIRANHA IN GENERAL: It has a round face, and usually has very sharp teeth. It face cuves as it has very dramaticly pointed fins. the back fin is usually a v-shape and there is a small upper and a red under belly fin. (THIS CASE IT IS A RED BELLY PIRANHA BECAUSE OF THE RED UNDER FIN)

Do piranhas care for their young?

they dont care for young

Is the red bellied piranha a amphibion?

All piranhas, including red bellied piranhas, are not amphibians, they are fish.

Are piranhas legal in MA?

you can have red bellies and gold piranhas but black piranhas are illegal in Illinois

What type of food do Red belly piranha eat?

Red bellied piranhas eat other fish for the most part. They prefer fish that are smaller than them. They also eat fish that swim in schools such as minnows.