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plants grow know matter what conditions

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Q: How do plants grow and survive in the middle east?
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Related questions

What effects does water have on plants?

All plants need water to survive and grow.

What do plants need to grow and survive?

soil water sunlight

Why plants do not grow in deserts?

Because the desert is too arid for them to survive.

Why do plants survive and grow even if pollen grains are cut off?

Plants have the ability to self-pollinate or be pollinated by wind, insects, or other means. If pollen grains are cut off, these alternative methods can still facilitate fertilization and reproduction in plants, allowing them to survive and grow.

Why do you think the discovery or fertilizer was important of the middle east?

Because the water is rare in Middle East and farmers could not grow their crops

Why does soil need water?

Soil needs water for plants to grow. Water facilitates the transfer of nutrients from the soil to the plant roots, assists in the breakdown of minerals for absorption, and helps maintain soil structure and health. Additionally, water helps regulate temperature and supports the organisms living in the soil ecosystem.

Why can't plants grow without sun light?

They need photosynthesis to survive

Which is one way plants have adapted to survive?

They grow extremely long roots.

Can plants survive without oxygen?

No, a plant could not grow without oxygen.

What kind of agriultural plants have protein in them?

Some examples of agricultural plants high in protein include legumes such as soybeans, lentils, and peas. Other options include quinoa, chia seeds, and amaranth. These plant-based sources of protein can be incorporated into a balanced diet to meet dietary protein needs.

How did many of the middle east countries grow rich during the twentieth century?

the middle east became rich because of oil

Why do plants grow well in garden soil?

the soil provides the plants with helpful nutrients they need to survive and thrive.