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they dont you stupid hoes you stupid hoes and if you go to PHHS this answer needs intense googling (peace)

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Q: How do other countries deal with refugees?
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How do refugees get to other countries?

Help Of Some Diffrent organigation.

What countries are refugees from?

In general refugees are from the country from which they have fled.

The influx of political refugees into the US and the willingness of the U.S. government to accept these refugees have the greatest impact on which of the following?

diplomatic relations with other countries

What countries do refugees come from?

A refugee is anyone that is displaced from their own country normally due to war or some other political reason. Refugees come from all over the world but mainly from first world countries to places like Australia and other multicultural countries.

How do other countries deal with cyber bullies?

They deal with it

Why do refugees try to get to other countries?

Refugees flee from countries where they are persecuted (harassed, or worse) by the government) to countries where they can live in peace and lead normal lives. An obvious example is Jews fleeing from Nazi Germany to, say, Britain or the U.S.

Who are People who flee from other countries seeking protection from war or persecution are called .?


Which countries are accepting the Christian refugees?

Countries like Germany, UK accepts christian refugees. But not limited to them only.

How does the process of Jewish refugees gaining citizenship in NZ work?

There is no difference in New Zealand between Jewish refugees getting citizenship and other refugees. The only place where Jewish refugees are treated differently (in a positive way) is Israel. Jewish refugees are openly shunned from all Muslim-majority countries.

What is the refugee crisis in the European Union?

A very large amount of refugees have been coming from Africa and the Middle East to Europe. As a result, some of the countries in the European Union are directly having to deal with them and others are going to help by taking the refugees.

Where do all the refugees go?

Refugees often flee to neighboring countries that are more stable and can provide temporary shelter and support. Some refugees may also seek asylum in other countries through official channels or end up in refugee camps run by international organizations. Ultimately, the final destination for refugees depends on a variety of factors including available resources, policies, and international agreements.

Why are Australia and the US the most popular for refugees to go?

As illegal refugees, they are both westernised countries, with large and difficult-to-patrol coastlines, across a very short distance from comparatively oppressive countries. This makes them perfect as targets for refugees on boats. As official refugees, they are not so much more popular than many other areas; however, they are known to be advanced, peaceful and liberal countries, and refugee status is relatively easy to get.