Most Australians simply say "thank you". The casual slang phrase also commonly used is "no worries".
Australians speak English so we just say.... street
Australians typically pronounce "women" as "wim-in" with a short "i" sound.
Yes, but some Australians say "g'day mate!" They are also just as likely to say, "Hello" or "Hi", with or without the "mate". Australians are not all the antipodean yobboes (look it up) that they are portrayed as in American television shows.
so they say.
To say "Thank you" it is: "Misotra". To say "Thank you very much" it is: "Misotra betsaka"
for please they say please, and for thank you they say thank you...
In Hindustani, you can say "shukriya" to say thank you.
In Pampango, you can say "Salamat" to say thank you.
You can say "Enkosi" to say 'thank you' in Xhosa.
In Colombia, you can say "gracias" to say thank you.
How to say THANK YOU in Tagalog: Salamat
In the Philippines, you can say "Salamat" to express gratitude and say thank you.