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Q: How did tobacco farming in Virginia effect indentured servants?
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What was established in Virginia and led to the importation of indentured servants and African slaves to that colony?

The establishment of tobacco farming in Virginia led to the importation of indentured servants and African slaves to work on the plantations. The demand for labor increased rapidly as tobacco became a profitable crop, prompting planters to turn to indentured servants and later to African slaves to meet their labor needs.

Who first cultivated tobacco in Virginia?

Native Americans first cultivated and used tobacco.

What effect did the discovery of tobacco as a cash crop in Virginia have on the colony's labor supply?

The discovery of tobacco as cash crop in Virginia made the colonies labor supply grow. Indentured servants were first brought in to work the fields but soon after that slaves from Africa were used.

The colony l live in has few slaves but many indentured servants where do i live?

You may live in the southern colonies like Virginia or Maryland, where indentured servants were commonly used alongside slaves in the 17th and 18th centuries. These colonies relied on both groups for labor in industries like agriculture and tobacco farming.

Why were indentured servitude necessary in Virginia?

Indentured servitude was necessary in Virginia as a source of labor for tobacco cultivation, which was a labor-intensive crop. Due to the high demand for labor and scarcity of workers, indentured servants provided a solution for Virginia planters in the early colonial period.

Why were indentured servant's necessary in the colony of Virginia?

Indentured servants provided a labor force for the new colony. Men from England would "indenture" themselves to work for a specified period of time as payment for the voyage to Virginia, after which they were free to settle their own lands

What crop led to the use of indentured servants and slaves in the new world?

tobacco in Virginia and also cotton

Why did Virginia transition from indentured servants to slave labor?

Virginia transitioned from indentured servants to slave labor due to a combination of economic factors, including a decline in the availability of indentured servants, the profitability and permanence of slave labor, and the entrenchment of racism that justified the institution of slavery. This shift occurred gradually in response to the increasing demand for labor in the expanding tobacco and agricultural industries in the colony.

Why is tobacco called the gold of Virginia?

Tobacco farming in the state of Virginia is extremely profitable.

What establishment in Virginia resulted in importation of indentured servants and African slaves to that colony?

The Virginia Company was responsible for the importation of indentured servants and African slaves to Virginia colony in the early 17th century. The company played a significant role in the establishment and development of the colony by bringing in labor to support its economic endeavors, particularly in the tobacco industry.

Who provided the labor for tobacco cultivation?

Indentured servants & African Slaves

In your judgment what were the benefits and drawbacks of using indentured servants for labor in Virginia?

Benefits of using indentured servants in Virginia included access to cheap labor for tobacco cultivation and infrastructure development. Drawbacks included the mistreatment and exploitation of indentured servants, whose contracts were often extended unfairly, and the high mortality rate due to poor living and working conditions.