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Q: How did the slave trade create jobs in Liverpool?
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Working in the cotton fields

Who profited from the slave trade?

•1700 Liverpool was a remote sea port, its population was about 5000. it first started in 1709 when the Liverpool slaves traders went on their first voyage to buy and sell slaves. By 1771 there were 106 ships sailing a year from Liverpool. By 1800 Liverpool was a successful, booming city of 78,000 people. The slave trade in Liverpool provided many jobs. There were 8 sugar refineries and 15 rope factories. There were many factories making chains, anchors, iron, copper and brass rods for the slave ships. Slowly Liverpool became a rich city. Banks did well by lending money to the traders, the slave traders started making their own banks. The trade was very profitable that it was not just the upper class who took part in it.

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International trade

What foreign policy goal can create markets for American products and jobs for American workers?

International trade

How did the slave trade system work?

The slave trade worked by the use of the triangular trade. This was basically a triangle in which boats fom Bristol And Liverpool went to Africa to trade slaves for cheap goods i.e guns, gunhpowder. The Boats the collected the slaves and sent them off to the west indies and the usa. Here they were forced to work as slaves. There were many jobs for slaves, they could work in a house or on a plantation, or they could look after animals of become fugitives. But the English recievedcotton, sugar, spices, tobacco, rum and coffee. These goods could not be grown in Britain because the soil and climate was not sutible. After the goods had been made, they would be shipped off to Britain

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Who is the leader of the international trade administration?

Francisco J. Sanchez is the leader of the international administration. He help with the development of U.S. Trade Policies. He helps create jobs and sustain economic grouth.

What kind of jobs did hittites have?

i dont really knoe dam im really srry

In 1970 what types of jobs were there in Liverpool?

robbing, dealing, pimping and stealing

What are the jobs of an African slave?

Picking cotton

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yes recycling can create new jobs!

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no it provided a labor pool for the land owners. anyone will defend and protect their assets. Look to the slave trade in 1855.