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Q: How did the introduction to maize in Africa lead to industrialization in Europe?
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What is a maize triangle?

It's the main maize growing area in South Africa.

The natural resources of maize production in South Africa?

South Africa is one of the world's largest maize producers. Maize production contributes to a 36 percent majority of the gross value of South Africa's field crops.

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corn can be known as mealies in South Africa

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How does fire influence the farming project of producing maize in South Africa

What is a good complement for maize?

Meat. In Africa, people use maize to make pap which is best accompanied with meat.

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How does drought influence the farming producing maize in south africa

What are the crops grown in Africa?

The main crops that are grown in Africa are:Tobacco, maize, rice, and more

What changed the eastern hemisphere after the Columbain Exchange?

After the Columbian Exchange, the eastern hemisphere experienced significant changes such as the spread of new crops like maize and potatoes, the introduction of new animals like horses and cattle, the exchange of diseases leading to devastating epidemics, and the rise of global trade networks connecting Europe, Africa, and Asia with the Americas. These changes had profound effects on economies, societies, and cultures in the eastern hemisphere.

What animal came to Europe through the Columbian exchange?

Maize, tomatoes, and potatoes came to Europe through the Columbian Exchange.

What are the main crops grown in Africa?

The main crops that are grown in Africa are:Tobacco, maize, rice, and more

What crops are from different continents?

Here are some examples: Corn: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Tobacco: North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Carrot: North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Turnip: North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.