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Q: How did the assassination of archduke lead to war between russia and Germany?
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What crisis did the assassination of archduke franz Ferdinand create?

The assassination triggered the "July Crisis". Basically, Germany and Russia tried to negotiate to prevent a war starting; the negotiations lasted for most of July 1914. When the negotiations failed, World War I started.

Assassination of who lead to the beginning of World War 1?

an assassination was not the responsibility for world war 2's outfall. That was in world war 1. World war 2 started after Germany attacked Poland. Russia and Germany had made a deal, that they would split Poland up.

What was the spark that led to the immediate cause of the ww1?

The assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was the immediate cause of World War I. He was killed by a Serbian terrorist, which caused Austria to declare war on Serbia. Serbia was allied with Russia, who intervened, causing Germany to declare war on Russia, which caused France to declare war on Germany.

What evidence was there to prove Germany was most responsible for the outbreak?

There really wasnt any. Russia began the war when it widened the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia over Bosnia into a full-scale war after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Germany entered the war as a response to Russia mobilization of troops to the Russo-German border. Germany is only responsible for bringing Belgium and England into the war when it invaded Belgium, but that came after the outbreak of war.

Name the countries of the Axis in World War 1?

After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia declared war on Austia-Hungary so Germany declared war on Russia, France then declared war on Germany and after the invasion of Belgium by Germany, England also declared war on the Germans. Also on the side of the axis were Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

What was the ''SPARK'' that caused ww1?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the spark that ignited World War I. This event triggered a chain reaction of alliances and tensions among European powers, leading to the outbreak of war.

What country declared war on Serbia after the archduke was assassinated?

To simplify a complicated chain of events : the Archduke is assassinated, Serbia is held responsible by Austria/Hungary. Russia supports Serbia. Germany supports Austria/Hungary. France supports Russia, & Britain joins in to support France. Turkey joins the central powers. Rumania joins the Allies. Bulgaria joins the central powers. Italy & the US join the Allies.

What war started with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand?

not very detailed but the archduke was shot by a Serb and all Serbs are protected by Russia. so Russia gets defensive over this Serb they want to protect. but Austro-hungry ( the country of archduke) is tied to Germany by an alliance. Russia was tied to England and France...those are the main countries but then a lot more joined...japan, Italy (more)...and it escalated to a world war that started when he was shot to 1918

How did Germany Britain and Russia respond to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

After archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia then came to Serbia's aid because of an alliance and declared war on Austria Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia because of its alliance with Austria Hungary. Britain declared war on Germany because of its alliance with Russia. Other countries such as France and the Ottoman Empire soon chose sides and World War 1 began

What country allied with Austria and declared war on two strong countries of the Triple Entente?

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary in 1914. Serbia was allied with Russia, and Russia was a member of the Triple Entente with France and Britain. When Austria declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Russia declared war on Austria. Germany then declared war on Russia and subsequently on France and Britain.

What was the impact of Archduke Ferdinand assassination?

Austria-Hungary and its ally, Germany, declared war on Serbia. Great Britain, France, and Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary and Germany since they had an alliance with each other and had agreed to protect Serbia. This started World War I.His assassination in Sarajevo sparked World War One.See the related link listed below for more information:

What things led to World War 1?

There was always a rivalry between France and Germany. However when Belgium, which was a neutral country, was invaded by Germany that was one event that started the war in Europe because it was like a rule that you weren't allowed to invade neutral countries.