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'Soviet Unions' is a good word. It means that there were many USSRs. Thank you. )

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Annabel Jacobs

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Q: How did the Soviets union's scorched policy affect Germany's invasion of Russia?
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How did the soviet unions scorched-earth policy affect Germany's invasion of russia?

no fuel

How did the soviet unions scorched earth policy affect Germany's invasion Russia?

no fuel

How did the soviet union's scorched - earth policy affect Germany's invansion of russia?

german's provisions and weapons were destroyed by soviets troops

Why was the french invasion of a russia failure?

because the russian forces adopted a "scorched earth" strategy, destroying any supplies that the french might have used.

How did the Soviet Union's scorched earth policy affect Germany and invasion of Russia?

The Soviet Union used the scorched earth policy to deprive the Germans of food and ammunition. The Nazis had a long supply line and with Germany having a battle on both the eastern and western fronts, there was little food to be had. It was easier for the Soviets to pick off the starving Nazi soldiers.

What was the policy used to defeat Napoleon in Russia?

Scorched earth policy.

How did the soviet unions scorched-earth policy affecy Germany's invasion of russia?

Because one of the reasons for invading Russia was to steal grain to sabotage the grain supply but also to take it for Germany, by burning all grain they didn't harvest, they thwarted Germany from doing either.

How did the Soviet Union's scorched earth policy affect Germany's invasion of Russia?

no fuel

When did French invasion of Russia happen?

French invasion of Russia happened on 1812-12-14.

How did Russia defeat the grand army?

Scorched earth and retreating to stretch his supply lines.

What was the goal of russia scorched earth policy?

This was done to deny the enemy shelter and food .

Did the Germans use scorched earth during world war 2?

Yes, in Russia.