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Q: How did the European exploration of the new world affect relations between Spain England and France?
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Why was fur trade so important?

The fur trade drove European exploration and colonization. It helped to build Canada and make it wealthy. Nations fought each other for this wealth. But in many instances, the fur trade helped foster relatively peaceful relations between Indigenous people and European colonists.

What was one of the economic results of European exploration and colonization?

This resulted in the redistribution of the world's population and cooperation between European's powers for trade with the colonies.

Did The XYZ Affair involved relations between the US and England?

true xD

What factors spurred an age of European exploration?

Factors such as the desire for wealth, trade opportunities, religious motivations, and advancements in technology like improved ships and navigation techniques spurred an age of European exploration. Additionally, competition between European nations to establish colonies and expand their influence globally played a significant role in promoting exploration.

How did Prince Henry interact with the native people?

Prince Henry the Navigator established trade partnerships and diplomatic relations with the native people in Africa during the Age of Exploration. He did not personally interact with the native people, but he sponsored expeditions and explorations that helped foster contact and exchange between European and African cultures. His efforts ultimately contributed to the expansion of European exploration and colonization in Africa.

What is the political relationship between French and England?

The United Kingdom (which includes England) and France are both members of the European Community and are represented at the European Parliament.

What has the author Anne Graumans written?

Anne Graumans has written: 'Redefining relations between South Africa and the European Union' -- subject(s): Foreign economic relations

How did articles of Confederation affect relations between the US and the European nations?

they couldnot setup trade among themselfs

What effect did the First Opium War have on relations between China and the non British European powers?

Many European nations forced China to sign unequal agreements.

What was the impact of the European exploration to the Americas?

European exploration of the Americas led to the Columbian Exchange, where goods, cultures, and diseases were exchanged between Europe and the Americas. This resulted in the introduction of new crops, animals, and diseases to both continents, transforming societies and ecosystems. Additionally, European colonization led to the displacement and exploitation of indigenous populations.