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The Crusades brought a sense of religious unity and prosperity to Europe, as Europeans came home with much treasure. In addition to preserving Christianity in the Middle East with the Crusades, many European countries were reconquering their own land for Christianity, most notably Spain. Spain was successful in reconquering the Iberian Peninsula for Christians by expelling all Muslims and Jews (or forcing them to convert), which brought about high self-esteem and wealth for Spain. This is why Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand decided to fund the voyage of Christopher Columbus, really kicking off the Age of Exploration.

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Q: How did the Crusades push Europe into the Age of Discovery?
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When was the age of discovery in Europe?

About 1 million years ago

Why was England the leading country during the Age of Discovery?

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What are the factors that triggers the age of exploration with details about the discovery of the Philippines?

The Christian Crusades exposed Europe to luxuries from the far east which were no longer available once the Holy Lands were lost. Attempting to find a cheaper route to access the luxuries led to exploration.

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It led to the discovery of new, efficient trade routes between Europe and Asia.

3 long term effects of the crusades?

the Crusades benefited Europe in a number of ways. For one thing, the exchange that occurred during the Crusades facilitated the spread of Islamic math and science. This exposed Europeans to improvements in navigation techniques. These advancements, in turn, helped to usher in Europe's Age of Exploration and led to nearly five centuries of European cultural and economic dominance.

Why is the economy is Europe not a purely capitalist system during the age of discovery?

Because England had colonies and practiced mercantilism.

Did the crusades have an impact on the discovery of America?

The crusades had an indirect impact on the discovery of America. The Fourth Crusade which resulted in the sacking of Constantinople (1204) resulting in the fatal weakening of the Byzantine Empire. With the eventual fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks (1453) and the collapse of the Mongol Empire to the East, Europe's access to China and the far East was lost with the disintegration of the Silk Road. The crusades had another indirect impact upon the discovery of America. As a consequence of the crusader contact with Islamic civilizations of the Middle East, Europeans of the Dark Age were again introduced to cultural, scientific and mathematical advances. This knowledge would contribute to Europe's own eventual awakening in the Renaissance and Enlightenment. In addition, the crusades introduced Europeans to spices and fine goods from the East. With access blocked to these products upon the loss of the Silk Road, European sought another route to the East. After experimentation around Africa by sea proved arduous, Columbus' own voyage to circle the globe was a product of learning and desire for discovery initially brought about by the crusader's contact with the Middle East.

In the Age of Discovery what did Asia have that Europe wanted to buy?

During the Age of Discovery, Asia had highly sought-after goods such as spices, silk, tea, and porcelain that Europe wanted to buy. These goods were highly valued for their quality and were seen as symbols of wealth and status in Europe. This demand for Asian goods played a significant role in driving exploration and trade routes to the East.

What did Portuguese explorers contribute to the rest of Europe?

Discovering and mapping the coasts of Africa, Asia and Brazil, in what become known as the Age of Discovery.

How did the crusades influence the age of exploration?
