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Americans were upset because the crisis lasted so long. (apex)

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Q: How did the American public respond to the Iran hostage crises?
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How did American public respond during the hostage crisis?

American were upset because the crisis lasted so long

How did the Americans public respond during the Iran hostage crisis?

American were upset because the crisis lasted so long

What was the general response of the American public during the Iran hostage crisis?

They were upset because the crisis lasted so long. D-BOY =]

What was the general response of the American public during Iran hostage crisis?

They were upset because the crisis lasted so long. D-BOY =]

How might American citzens respond if the bill of rights were suspended?

The American public did nothing .... the Patriot Act suspended the Bill of Rights

What are the major types of crises?

The major types of crises include natural disasters (e.g. hurricanes, earthquakes), public health emergencies (e.g. pandemics), technological crises (e.g. cybersecurity breaches), and organizational crises (e.g. financial scandals, product recalls). Each type requires a specific crisis response plan to effectively manage the situation.

What effect did the Cuban missiles crises have on the US?

The American Public were scared. How would you feel if there were about 42 nuclear missiles pointed towards the U.S., ready to be launched at any moment right now? I know I'd be scared.

How do you form your opinions in society?

our public opionion is the negatively and dangerous thinking,because whenthere us a leadeship crises in a development of country.

Are designed to ensure that the American people understand alerts and understand how to respond?

Emergency alert systems are designed to notify the American public about imminent threats or emergencies, such as severe weather or national security threats, and provide instructions on how to stay safe and respond appropriately. These alerts can be broadcasted through various channels, such as television, radio, and cell phones, to reach as many people as possible. The goal is to keep the public informed and prepared during critical situations.

When was American Public Media created?

American Public Media was created in 2004.

How does the essay respond to the allegation that there was a conspiracy of silence that the news of the genocide was kept secret from the American public by the government during World War 2?

We are unable to answer your question without know what essay the question is about. We can tell you there was no conspiracy. The American public was told by the Roosevelts and other people about the Jews and the concentration camps. The American public chose to deny the truthfulness of the matter. Later they felt bad they did not understand what was really happening to people in Europe. Some felt the guilt to the day they died.

How did the US public respond to the Vietnam War?

With increasing dissaproval as the war dragged on.