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The goods sold were predominantly localy sourced. There were no tins and packets. Bread and some vegetables were available - most families lived off their land or scraps from land owners. The range of food was very poor as storage didnt exist. Salt was a currency as was sugar in most countries. The diet was close to starvation

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Q: How did shoping in medieval times differ from shopping today?
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How did shopping in medieval times differ from shopping today?

We have a lot more choices then they did back then.

How does shopping today differ from shopping in Medieval Times?

First of all, in the medieval times people wouldn't buy things like sunglasses, shorts, and technology devices were not invented yet so of course you can't buy things like a TV or an iPod or cell phone. Also, people in the medieval times dressed very differently and they wore bonnets and dresses and long skirts insted of tshirts, tank tops, and shorts. most of them also made their own clothe.

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When was Dark Medieval Times created?

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