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historian believe that shah Abbas period is most flourished time in this dynasty.In other word Shah Abbab had two is the fornmality of shiite sect in the whole territory of the dynasty and other concerns with spreading of borders of Safavid dynast in term of goo policies .

in this period,shiism in the 10th/16th and 11th/17th century, ismail who was of the household of shaykh safi al-Din Ardaili(d.735/1334)a Sufi master and also a siite,begn a revolt in Ardabil,with three hundred Sufis who were disciples of his forefathers,with the aim of establishing an independent and powerful Shiite country. in this way,he begn the conquest of the Persia and overcme the local feudal princess.after the series of the bloody wars with ocal rulers and also the Ottomans who held the title of the caliph,he succeeded in forming Persia piece by piece into a country nd in making the shism the official religion in his kingdom.after the death of the Shah Ismail ,other Safavid kings reigned in Persia until the 12th/18th century and each continued to recognize shism as the official religion of the country and further to strengthen its hold upon this the height of their power,during the reign of Shah Abbas,the Safavids were able to increase the territorial expansion and the population of Persia to twice its present for other muslim lands.the Shiites popultions continued the same as before and increased only throough the natural growth of population

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The Safavid dynasty was one of the most significant ruling dynasties of Persia (modern Iran) after the fall of the Sasanian Empire - following the Muslim conquest of Persia in the seventh century A.D. The legacy that they left behind was the revival of Persia as an economic stronghold between East andWest, the establishment of an efficient state and bureaucracy based upon "checks and balances", their architectural innovations and their patronage for fine arts. The Safavids have also left their mark down to the present era by spreading Shi'a Islam in Iran, as well as major parts of the Caucasus, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and Central Asia.

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reached the high point of it's glory.

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Q: How did shah Abbas strengthen the safavid empire?
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What did shah abbas accomplish?

he accomplished strengthening the safavid empire

Why did the safavid empire decline quickly?

The Safavid Empire declined so quickly after the death of Shah Abbas I. Shahs that followed were never as disciplined as Abbas.

Why did the safavid empire decline so quickly?

The Safavid Empire declined so quickly after the death of Shah Abbas I. Shahs that followed were never as disciplined as Abbas.

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first shah Abbas was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age.

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first shah Abbas was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age.

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The Safavid Empire was in close proximity to major trade routes which promoted cultural blending

What statement best describes Safavid culture during the rule of Shah Abbas?

Abbas supported the fine arts, and Safavid culture flourished.

What happened to the safavid empire after the death of shah ABBAs?

.after the death of the Shah Ismail ,other Safavid kings reigned in Persia until the 12th/18th century and each continued to recognize shism as the official religion of the country and further to strengthen its hold upon this the height of their power,during the reign of Shah Abbas,the Safavids were able to increase the territorial expansion and the population of Persia to twice its present for other muslim lands.the Shiites popultions continued the same as before and increased only throough the natural growth of population.after the death of shah abbas ,safavid dynasty gradually weaked.the kings after shah abbas like shah hossein was so weak than govern safavid rules.

What is the name given to a king of the safavid empire?

first shah ismailfirst shah tahmasbsecond shah ismailmuhammad khoda bandehfirst shah AbbsShah SafiSECOND SHAH Abbasshah Soleimanshah soltan Hosseinsecond shah tahmasbthird shah abbas

Describe the increase of shiite religious elements in the safavid dynasty after the death of Shah ABBAs?

The power of Shiite religious elements began to increase at court and in Safavid society at large after the death of Shah Abbas. While intellectual freedom had marked the height of the Safavid empire, the pressure to conform to orthodox religious beliefs increased. For example, Persian women, who had considerable freedom during the early empire, were now forced into seclusion and required to adopt the wearing of the veil.

How did the safavid empire blend cultures?

Under Shah Abbas, the Safavid Empire, which was a majority Persian empire, incorporated its Christian Armenian minority and foreign Chinese artisans to create a mixed cultural flowering.Please See: Cultural Blending: Case Study of the Safavid Empire

Who found the safavid empire?

Shah Ismail I.