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Q: How did president Kennedy help south Vietnam?
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What year did John F. Kennedy order more help for the South Vietnames government in its war against Vietcong guerrillas?

November 16, 1961 John F. Kennedy ordered more help to be sent to the aid of South Vietnam. President Kennedy was concerned over the advances being made by the Vietcong guerrillas.

What year did John F Kennedy call for help in South Vietnam?

around 1961.

What was Kennedy's involvement in the Vietnam war?

President Kennedy believed in the "Domino Theory" that required Communism to be contained in every instance. Therefore in his first speech on becoming president, Kennedy made it clear that he would continue the policy of the former President, Dwight Eisenhower, and support the government of Diem in South Vietnam.

How would you compare the Vietnam policies of Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy?

Eisenhower believed in sending troops, Kennedy did not.

Did Kennedy send military advisors to south or north Vietnam?

He Sent them to Help The South Vietnamese Against The North Vietnamese

Why did president kenndy send troops to Vietnam?

To try and keep South Vietnam from falling to the Communists, and because the government of South Vietnam was too corrupt and incompetent to defend themselves. The government of South Vietnam was never able to defend themselves, and President Gerald R. Ford finally gave up on them in 1975. They soon fell to communist North Vietnam.

How did president eisenhower help the government of south Vietnam fight against the communist?

Eisenhower sent troops to South Vietnam so they can fight North Vietnam because North Vietnam wanted to take over South Vietnam and they did.

How did President Kennedy and President Lyndon B. Johnsonohnson help or hurt the Vietnam War?

Kennedy sent in the SF & SEALS; LBJ sent in the conventional forces. Those are two different styles of warfare.

What year did John F. Kennedy order more troops for South Vietnam?

President Kennedy sent additional US Advisers & Special Forces (Green Berets) to Vietnam in 1961 up thru 1962. Regular US combat troops did not arrive (officially) until 1965 under President Johnson. Since JFK had troops covertly already arriving in Vietnam by March or April of 1961, he must have ordered them about on his inauguration day of Jan.20, 1961, since it takes a month or two at best/quickest for that to happen...

What year did John F. Kennedy order for the more help for the South Vietnam in its war against Vietcong guerrillas?


Who did Kennedy send over to Vietnam?

Kennedy was asked to send additional troops to Vietnam. He sent additional troops and military advisors over to Vietnam to help.

Why was south Vietnam in the Vietnam war?

Somewhat democratic South Vietnam was a member of the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), so by treaty, we were obligated to help defend South Vietnam. We entered the Vietnam War to help South Vietnam stop Communist North Vietnam from their attempts to unify the whole country.