There are many ways for people in Connecticut to make money such as fishing. These people can also sell baked goods.
how did connecticut earn money
People may plant crops. Such as fruits and vegatables. Most people plant Tobacco.
they would get a job, they had a boss, the boss gave them money after they did their job. Also a dragon ate a unicorn,in a few days.
by fishing and punching your grama
yes but the more people get paid on average in a state the more expensive stuff are
They took a voyage from England (it costed alot of money)
There are many ways that people can ear a living in Connecticut, including working in movie theaters. People can also earn money by working in restaurants, grocery stores, and as police officers.
I would go with Connecticut Juvenile Boot Camp. They can really make a transformation with people who go there.
Connecticuts. If it was anything else it would not make sense.
Fartford has the most people in Connecticut
They wanted to settle into the colony connecticut because they wanted a new life and practice religion.
People get money from people or when they pay for something they can get change they make money from machines