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Q: How did people live in New York in the 1830s?
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Why do people live in New York?

People live in new york because they like to get stoned and getting stoned is easy in new york

What is the original delmonico dish you would eat in the city of New York?

The original delmonico dish people can eat in New york are delmonico potatoes. They were created the 1830s by an unknown chef at Delmonico's Restaurant in New York City.

How many people live in New York State?

1,ooo,ooo people live in new york state

Why did skilled workers in New York city strike in the 1830s?

because they were stupid

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Being in the sparsely populated heart of New York, about 750,000 people live within 50 kilometers of New York.

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The truth is that animals can live in New York but many people think first about New York City but most of New York is actually filled with grassland.

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About how many people live in New York?
