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By non verbal means such as mime, drawings and facial expressions. Eventually people learned a bit about each other's languages.

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Why did languages existed?


How can two people of different languages communicate with each other?

by means of non-verbal communications,such as sign languages,sketches drawings ,etc.

Why do you learn languages?

I learn languages because it helps me to communicate with people from different cultures, opens up new career opportunities, and enhances my cognitive skills.

What helps when you learn different languages?

You can communicate with people in other countries, and you can gain interest and knowledge through reading books in other languages too.

Why did they make languages?

They made languages so that people can communicate and talk to each other

How many languages were spoken on the Day of Pentecost?

According to the Bible, it is believed that on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enabled the apostles to speak in multiple languages, allowing them to communicate with people from different regions who spoke different languages. The exact number of languages spoken on that day is not specified.

What the most important change brought by the development of language?

people can communicate better and not talk with different languages you cant understand.that's it hope i helped =)

What was the most important change brought by development of language?

people can communicate better and not talk with different languages you cant understand.that's it hope i helped =)

Why do many people in melanesia speak a pidgin language?

Pidgin languages in Melanesia have emerged as a way for people from different language backgrounds to communicate. They are often used in trading, intergroup communication, and between speakers of different native languages. The simplicity of pidgin languages makes them more accessible and easier to learn for individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds.

How do different languages help us?

Different languages help us communicate with people from diverse backgrounds, understand different cultures, and broaden our perspectives. They also enable us to access literature, music, and other art forms from various parts of the world. Overall, knowing multiple languages can enhance cognitive abilities and create opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Is creole a mixture of spanish and french?

Creole languages are actually based on a mixture of different languages, including Spanish and French, but they are not exclusively a blend of those two languages. Creole languages have developed in various parts of the world where people of different linguistic backgrounds have interacted and created a new language to communicate.

Why did groups of early people develop different languages?

Groups of early people developed different languages due to geographical isolation and limited interaction with other groups. Over generations, unique dialects and languages developed as a way for these groups to communicate and distinguish themselves from others. This linguistic diversity helped to foster a sense of identity and cohesion among different communities.