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Cities, roads and art all modify the natural environment. The scrape of the plow, the cutting of a tree and the Burma Shave signs all change the environment.

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Q: How did people change the environment in South Carolina?
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How do humans interact with the environment in South Carolina?

There are many ways in which a human can interact with the environment in South Carolina. Humans will typically farm the land for example.

How was the environment like in South Carolina as a colony?


What kind of people live in South Carolina?

Hispanic and black people live in South Carolina.

Why should people have visited colonial South Carolina?

People came to South Carolina to get rich by growing tobacco.

What famous people were born in South Carolina?

Anne Schraff was born in South Carolina

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Where do most people in the south live?

in the north south of South Carolina

What is the current population of South Carolina?

As of 2013, the estimated population of South Carolina is 4,774,839 people. South Carolina covers a total of 32,020 square miles.

Who are some famous people from South Carolina?

Thomas Delancy is the most famous person in South Carolina

Who married a South Carolina trader?

There will be MANY people alive today that are married to South Carolina traders.

How people live in South Carolina?

If you meant "how many people live in South Carolina?" the answer is 4.832 million, as of 2014. Hope you found this useful!

What were the people of colonial South Carolina?

They were Dutch.