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Britain and the US were able to freely trade between each other without Spain interfering.

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Q: How did great Britain and the United states benefit from the independence of Spain's American Colonies?
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The colonies won their freedom from what?

If you are speaking on behalf of the original 13 colonies in America, then from Britain. Britain wanted to financially benefit from the existence of the colonies, so Britain taxed the colonies harshly. Obviously, the colonies did not particularly enjoy these taxes and fought to win their independence as a country of it's own.

How did Britain and the US benefit from the independence of Spain's American colonies?

cuba was in chaos when they got their independence so the US had like complete control over them and made a ton of money off the sugar mills

When the United States declared independence as a nation why was Britain against it?

When the colonies declared independence, it meant England would no longer benefit from our taxes, land, manpower or natural resources.

Which best describes Thomas Paine's Common Sense?

Thomas Paine was an English-American political activist and author. Born in 1737. Paine's pamphlet, "Common Sense", advocated American Independence from the King of England and Great Britain.

What colonies were in debt to England through trade?

Great Britain practiced a policy of mercantilism, where its colonies existed solely to benefit the mother country. This aggressive economic policy, coupled with the Navigation Acts which forced the colonies to engage in trade with Britain only, resulted in a massive deficit of the colonies to the British Crown. Up until the beginning of the American Revolution, most, if not all, of the original thirteen colonies were indebted to Great Britain.

Who said you challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation to show a single advantage that this continent can reap by being connected with great Britain?

Thomas Paine, a political activist and author, said this in his pamphlet "Common Sense" in 1776. Paine argued that there was no benefit for the American colonies in being connected to Great Britain and that independence was the best course of action.

The Hat Act of 1732 and the Iron Act of 1759 were examples of England's attempts?

They were examples of England's attempts to limit manufacturing in the American colonies in order to make the colonies less able to stand on their own and to benefit manufacturers in Great Britain. Since the colonies were prohibited from producing these items themselves and prohibited from trading with anyone other than Great Britain and its other colonies, they were forced to become more dependent on Great Britain.

Who wrote the pamphlet common sense and what its main idea?

Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine. Its main idea was that the colonies would benefit from gaining independence from Britain. It talked about how if America stayed with Britain, the trading businesses and the economy would crash, and we would also have to be involved in Britain's wars and make enemies with other countries. It talked about Britain's tyranny and it convinced many colonists to become Patriots and was widely popular among the colonies.

Who wrote the pamphlet common sense and what was it's main idea?

Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine. Its main idea was that the colonies would benefit from gaining independence from Britain. It talked about how if America stayed with Britain, the trading businesses and the economy would crash, and we would also have to be involved in Britain's wars and make enemies with other countries. It talked about Britain's tyranny and it convinced many colonists to become Patriots and was widely popular among the colonies.

How did African American benefit from Britain winning revolutionary war?

First, Britain (England) did not win the Revolutionary War; it was won by the American colonies, who gained their independence. Second, back then, black people were not called African-Americans. They were generally called "Negroes," and it's not clear that they benefited from the colonists winning. Agreed, some Negroes in the northern colonies (now called "states") like Massachusetts or Pennsylvania were free men and women, and were able to pursue careers, education, etc. But in the south, black people remained in slavery, a condition that did not change till after the Civil War.

Explain the way in which England applied the principles of mercantilism to its Caribbean and North American colonies?

Britain sought to increase its wealth by making use of its colonies. Mercantilism forced the colonies to trade solely with Britain and before they could sell natural resource products such as tobacco and sugar, it first needed to be shipped to England to be taxed even before being sold. The system was set up solely to economically benefit the Mother Country, not the colonies.

Why did the Britain pass new laws that the colonists to as The Intolerable Acts?

they wanted to control the 13 colonies and they wanted to benefit themselves